Have you ever found yourself repeating a behavior pattern that doesn't serve you well, right after having done it again? Have you ended a conversation and found you were so emotionally caught up in the moment you don't even remember what you actually said? Have you ever walked away from an interaction having absolutely no idea what prompted the other person's reaction to your comment or question?
Yoga is a great way to get into our bodies, which only speak the truth, and out of our minds, which are amazing storytellers. Once you are in your body, then what? Come learn a few ways to reconnect with the present, via our bodies and minds, to better understand how what goes on internally can become our greatest resource to more choicefully navigate our own experiences.
Each session will include a topic for introspection along with guided breath work, discussion and homework. Due to the interactive nature of this offering, this series will be closed to those who sign-up and sessions are not recorded.
Dates: Wednesdays May 12th, 19th and 26th
Time: 6:30 - 7:30pm
This 3-week series is offered for $60 ($30 for members)
To join, register HERE